Creating a Back button on detail post page to go back to blog page with same query strings and page id

So it looks like you can’t get the page number unless you query the whole post type and query strings and then check that against how many pages you show on each page and then do some math to find what page that will be on, so I stuck with the next best thing. I kept the page number and echoed it along the post url and next and prev post links, so then I grab the number in the query string and echo it out on the back button.

// Get page number and set it

$getPageNumber = (get_query_var('paged')) ? get_query_var('paged') : 1;
$_GET['number'] = $getPageNumber;

// Post link

  if($_GET['nb-cat'] || $_GET['s']) echo '?';
  if($_GET['s']) echo 's=" . $_GET["s'];
  if($_GET['nb-cat'] && $_GET['s']) echo '&';
  if($_GET['nb-cat']) echo 'nb-cat=" . $_GET["nb-cat'];
  if(!isset($_GET['nb-cat']) && !isset($_GET['s'])) echo '?';
  if(isset($_GET['nb-cat']) || isset($_GET['s'])) echo '&';
  if($_GET['number']) echo 'number=" . $_GET["number'];

// Back btn Link

<a href="
    if($_GET["number']) echo 'page/' . $_GET['number'];
    if($_GET['nb-cat'] || $_GET['s']) echo '?';
    if($_GET['s']) echo 's=" . $_GET["s'];
    if($_GET['nb-cat'] && $_GET['s']) echo '&';
    if($_GET['nb-cat']) echo 'nb-cat=" . $_GET["nb-cat'];

// Next and Prev post Links

<?php if ( $prev != get_permalink() ) : ?>
  <a href="<?php echo $prev; if($_GET["number']) echo '?number=" . $_GET["number']; ?>" class="prev btn border padding">Prev</a>
<?php endif; ?>

<?php if ( $next != get_permalink() ) : ?>
  <a href="<?php echo $next; if($_GET['number']) echo '?number=" . $_GET["number']; ?>" class="next btn border padding">Next</a>
<?php endif; } ?>