ctypes – Beginner

I have the task of “wrapping” a c library into a python class. The docs are incredibly vague on this matter. It seems they expect only advanced python users would implement ctypes. Well i’m a beginner in python and need help.

Some step by step help would be wonderful.

So I have my c library. What do I do? What files do I put where? How do I import the library? I read that there might be a way to “auto wrap” to Python?

(By the way I did the ctypes tutorial on python.net and it doesn’t work. Meaning I’m thinking they are assuming I should be able to fill in the rest of the steps.

In fact this is the error I get with their code:

File "importtest.py", line 1
   >>> from ctypes import *
   SyntaxError: invalid syntax

I could really use some step by step help on this! Thanks~

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