The whole doco thing for Warp is confusing.
You are supposed to use one of the styles configured under the theme, and you’ll find those in a folder such as:
Add your /layouts folder under here, then copy in any file you want to override from the folder:
These are then the files you modify, and Warp will use those in preference to the ones in its own system.
Now, to choose the template used, I find it best to copy over ‘content.php’
This chooses the page name to use based on the post type etc.
However, the code contains:
if ($this["path"]->path("layouts:{$queried_object->post_type}.php")) {
$content = $queried_object->post_type;
and despite what they say in the doco, this means it’s looking for a file with the name of the post type ‘post_type.php’, not ‘single-post_type.php’!
Archives are also not looked up using the slug, so I modified my file to be:
} elseif (is_archive()) {
if ($this["path"]->path("layouts:{$queried_object->slug}.php")) {
$content = $queried_object->slug;
Hopefully this helps a few other people not go through the pain I have 🙂