Custom Plugin – Package and Deployment Solutions

Sounds like you are trying to find a way to “build” your public assets – this is commonly achieved using Task Runners – Grunt or Gulp are two well-known examples.

Grunt is part of Node.JS, so you would need to download and install the node.js app and then find the packages you want to use – such as dart-sass for scss or uglify for minification of JS

The last step would be to config the gruntfile.js for your project or sub modules – how this works is very specific to you needs, but there are good examples available on the website.

As far as structure and distribution of your plugins, as these probably do not sit on – you need to find a way that works well for you – we use public and private repos on github, which gives us versioning via Git, a good CI pipeline, and also a good way to allow multiple developers to work on the same code base.

We create a new repo for each plugin or theme.