Custom Post Type + Custom Meta Query Not Showing 2012 Posts

I ended up solving this by doing essentially one thing in a couple places. WordPress doesn’t let you specify a particular type for your meta data and stores everything as strings. As such, I added an extra meta data field that I used as the actual timestamp (using strtotime to convert it to a unix numeric timestamp) that gets created when the post is saved from the $startDate value.

$startDateTimeStamp = strtotime($_POST['startDate']);

From there I made my original meta_query order the posts by this new meta data value instead:

$args = array(
                    'post_type'         => 'event',
                    'post_status'       => 'publish',
                    'posts_per_page'    => $num,
                    'paged'             => $paged,
                    'meta_key'          => 'startDateTimeStamp',
                    'orderby'           => 'meta_value_num',
                    'meta_query'        => array(
                                                    'key'     => strtotime('startDateTimeStamp'),
                                                    'value'   => strtotime(date("m/d/Y")),
                                                    'compare' => '>=',
                                                    'type'    => 'NUMERIC'
                    'order'             => 'ASC'
    $e_query = new WP_Query($args);

*Please note: * This query wouldn’t work until I made sure that I ran the meta query’s key/value through the strtotime function and changed the orderby to ‘meta_value_num’.
