Display Repeatable Meta Box Content

Here’s a tested and working version of the template code, which displays the repeatable $emergency_contact_meta correctly:

$member_contact_meta = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'tcp', true );
echo '<strong>Phone: </strong>' . $member_contact_meta . '<br />';

$emergency_contact_meta = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'repeatable_fields', true);

if ( $emergency_contact_meta ) {
    echo '<strong>Emergency Contacts:</strong><br />';

    foreach ( $emergency_contact_meta as $emergency_contact_metas ) {
        echo '<strong>' . esc_html( $emergency_contact_metas['name'] ) .'</strong> ' . esc_html( $emergency_contact_metas['phone'] ) . '<br />';

The main issue in the original code was the use of get_post_custom() when it appeared you were just trying to get the meta data for the repeatable fields, repeatable_fields. get_post_custom() gets all of the meta fields for a particular post.