Custom Taxonomy Archive URL rewrite

WordPress doesn’t generate an ‘archive of terms’ automatically. However, you’re current permalink structure is set up so that:

points to the ‘my-term’ archive page of the ‘my_taxo’ taxonomy (listing all posts with the ‘my-term’ tag).

So what you can do is create a page with slug ‘my_taxo’:

Assign this page a custom template which simply lists the taxonomy terms with links.

The simpliest way would be to use wp_list_categories()

$args = array(
  'taxonomy'     => 'my_taxo',
  'orderby'      => 'name',
  'hierarchical' => 1
  'title_li'     => ''

<?php wp_list_categories( $args ); ?>

Alternatively you can use get_terms to return an array of terms in that taxonomy, which you can loop through and display the terms.

Neither will handle pagination automatically – but get_terms allows you to specify both a limit and an offset – so you could handle pagination yourself if this is necessary.