Custom taxonomy in custom post type archive with pagination

I’ve not seen a “clean” way to do this – happy to learn it from someone else if they know.

However, the way we’ve managed this in the past is to setup a page whose slug is ‘projecten’ with a custom page template that behaves and acts like an archive page. Then add child pages for each term (make sure to select the custom taxonomy for each term child page that relates – well this is only really important depending on how you want to find the term).

This will get you the slug structure you want. You can then use the page template you created to also find the second url parameter (or find the taxonomy that relates to the post) and add a tax_query to the WP Query to limit by taxonomy term. Or try it another way, once you have that parent/child page relationship and your slug structure complete…

I’m sure you can figure out the best way for you to code the required output.