Custom WordPress Excerpt within terms

I’ve used code like this, based (extremely) loosely on the plugin relevanssi: (in “functions.php”)

// Roughly based on the relevanssi_do_excerpt() (, GPLv2 or later), seriously simplified.
function mytheme_search_context( $haystack, $needles, $len = 30 ) {

    $haystack = strip_tags(mytheme_strip_invisibles($haystack));
    $haystack = trim( preg_replace( array( "/\n\r|\r\n|\n|\r/", '/\s\s+/', '/&.{1,30}?;/' ), ' ', $haystack ) );

    $words = explode( ' ', $haystack );

    for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count( $words ); $i < $cnt; $i += $len ) {
        $slice = array_slice( $words, $i, $len );
        $slice=" " . implode( ' ', $slice );

        $search = $replace = array();
        foreach ( $needles as $needle ) {
            $pos = mb_stripos( $slice, $needle );

            if ( $pos !== false ) {
                $target = mb_substr( $slice, $pos, mb_strlen( $needle ) );
                $search[] = $target;
                $replace[] = '<strong>' . $target . '</strong>';
        if ( $search ) {
            if ( $i ) {
                $ret .= '&hellip; ';
            if ( $i + $len > $cnt ) {
                $slice = array_slice( $words, $cnt - $len, $len );
                $slice=" " . implode( ' ', $slice );
                $ret .= str_replace( $search, $replace, $slice );
            } else {
                $ret .= str_replace( $search, $replace, $slice ) . ' &hellip;';

    return $ret;

// Straight copy of relevanssi_strip_invisibles().
// found here:
function mytheme_strip_invisibles( $text ) {
    $text = preg_replace(
        ' ',
        $text );
    return $text;

Then depending on your theme (you’ve probably already done this), copy “search.php” to your child theme, and change the line (if it’s there) <?php get_template_part( 'content', get_post_format() ); ?> to <?php get_template_part( 'content', 'search' ); ?>, and then copy the theme’s “content.php” to “content-search.php” in the child theme, and replace the line (or equivalent) the_extract(); with something like

        if ( $mytheme_search_context = mytheme_search_context( do_shortcode( get_the_content() ), get_query_var( 'search_terms' ) ) ) {
            echo '<p>', $mytheme_search_context, '</p>';
        } elseif ( $get_the_excerpt = get_the_excerpt() ) {
            echo '<p>', strip_shortcodes( $get_the_excerpt ), '</p>';