different way to achive stylesheet_url

bloginfo('stylesheet_url') will always return the current theme’s stylesheet. If current theme is a child theme, for example, it will return style.css relative to the child theme’s root rather than the parent theme’s root.

bloginfo('template_url') will always return the parent theme’s template directory URL. So using <?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/style.css will always be the parent theme’s stylesheet.

Since bloginfo echo’s things out, I’m guessing you’re not using the WordPress enqueue system, which you should be. That is the most flexible. An end user wants to remove your stylesheet? Simple Just dequeue it.

That said, you can change the output of bloginfo via a filter.

To understand how this works you have to trace how bloginfo works. To start, bloginfo is a wrapper for get_bloginfo. So let’s take a look at that, the line relative to your question:

function get_bloginfo( $show = '', $filter="raw" ) {

    switch( $show ) {
        // snip snip

        case 'stylesheet_url':
            $output = get_stylesheet_uri();
        case 'stylesheet_directory':
            $output = get_stylesheet_directory_uri();
        case 'template_directory':
        case 'template_url':
            $output = get_template_directory_uri();

                // snip snip

    $url = true;
    if (strpos($show, 'url') === false &&
        strpos($show, 'directory') === false &&
        strpos($show, 'home') === false)
        $url = false;

    if ( 'display' == $filter ) {
        if ( $url )
            $output = apply_filters('bloginfo_url', $output, $show);
            $output = apply_filters('bloginfo', $output, $show);

    return $output;

And here’s bloginfo.

function bloginfo( $show='' ) {
    echo get_bloginfo( $show, 'display' );

As you can see, the filter is always set to display, which means WP will use apply_filters on get_bloginfo‘s output.

So to change things, you hook into either bloginfo or bloginfo_url. We want bloginfo_url.

add_filter('bloginfo_url', 'wpse76262_change_stylesheet', 10, 2);
function wpse76262_change_stylesheet($url, $show)
    if ('stylesheet_url' == $show) {

    return $url;

There are also filters in get_stylesheet_uri, get_template_directory_uri, and get_stylesheet_directory_uri that you could use as well.