There are two methods to accomplish what you what need to do.
The first method is to create a separate stylesheet from your child’s main style.css, and then move all your css into that stylesheets. For this example, lets call this stylesheet custom-style.css.
As said, copy all the css that will be specific to only certain pages to this new stylesheet.
You can now enqueue this new stylesheet using wp_enqueue_style()
conditionally using the is_page()
conditional tag, only for the pages that you need. So open up your child functions.php and add the following in there
function enqueue_my_style() {
if( is_page( SEE CODEX FOR EXAMPLES)) {
wp_enqueue_style( 'my-style', get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/custom-style.css' );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_my_style' );
Default body_class()
makes a few css selector available by default to target specific pages using css. Here are these selectors
- .rtl {}
- .home {}
- .blog {}
- .archive {}
- .date {}
- .search {}
- .paged {}
- .attachment {}
- .error404 {}
- .single postid-(id) {}
- .attachmentid-(id) {}
- .attachment-(mime-type) {}
- .author {}
- .author-(user_nicename) {}
- .category {}
- .category-(slug) {}
- .tag {}
- .tag-(slug) {}
- .page-parent {}
- .page-child parent-pageid-(id) {}
- .page-template page-template-(template file name) {}
- .search-results {}
- .search-no-results {}
- .logged-in {}
- .paged-(page number) {}
- .single-paged-(page number) {}
- .page-paged-(page number) {}
- .category-paged-(page number) {}
- .tag-paged-(page number) {}
- .date-paged-(page number) {}
- .author-paged-(page number) {}
- .search-paged-(page number) {}
When applying styles to specific elements, you can use these selectors to target specific elements for specific pages only, for instance
.home H1 {}
will only target the H1 element on the homepage