display metabox on front end (my-metabox-class)

Nice to see people using my class 🙂

Anyway when you save a field in a repeater block , to access the data you need to use the repeater ID which in your case it’s

   $repeater_data = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),$prefix.'re_',true);

and this returns an array of arrays with the id as key and value as value so you can loop over the array like this:

foreach($repeater_data as $arr){
   echo 'title: ' . $arr[$prefix.'t_field_id'];
   echo '<br />Description: ' . $arr[$prefix.'d_field_id'];
   echo '<br />Price: ' . $arr[$prefix.'p_field_id'];
   echo '<br />image: <img src="' . $arr[$prefix.'i_field_id']['url']">';

to understand better how an image field is stored take a look at the class's wiki
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