PHP Notice: Undefined index: mytheme_meta_box_nonce

You should always check if a POST variable (or an item/key in an array like the superglobal $_POST variable) exists before attempting to use it. And you could use isset() like so:

if (
    // Check if the variable is set.
    isset( $_POST['mytheme_meta_box_nonce'] ) &&
    // .. before accessing the value.
    ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['mytheme_meta_box_nonce'], basename( __FILE__ ) )

And you should know that your mytheme_save_data() function would be called every time the save_post hook is fired, regardless the origin of the request (e.g. a different metabox without the mytheme_meta_box_nonce input), hence you should check if the input was actually submitted.

Additionally, it might be better to use empty() like so:

if (
    // Bail if the nonce is empty.
    empty( $_POST['mytheme_meta_box_nonce'] ) ||
    // .. or that it has expired.
    ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['mytheme_meta_box_nonce'], basename( __FILE__ ) )