The $post variable – Did I get the grasp of how the Backend actions get parsed?

As I’ve already wrote in question comments, at the very beginning of creating the new post or page first choose a template and save as draft. Meta box will appear after save if right template is used.

add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'my_add_meta_box' );
function my_add_meta_box() {
    // get template file name
    $template_basename = wp_basename( get_page_template() );
    // check if right template is used
    if('my-template.php' == $template_basename) {
            __('Metabox name'),
function my_display_metabox($post) {
    wp_nonce_field( 'my_metabox', 'my_metabox_noncename' );
    // meta box HTML here