display text on the same line

Note that the_author_meta() doesn’t return the meta value, but echoes it. That’s why the name is suddenly outside the <p> element.

Use get_the_author_meta() if you need to return (and do something with) the field, rather than just display it.

I’d highly recommend you to change your use usage of __() too, because that is not useful for translators as it’s missing the name as context.

/* translators: %s: user's first name */
$text = sprintf(
  __( "%s hasn't published any articles yet.", 'monochrome-pro' ),
  esc_html( get_the_author_meta( 'user_firstname' ) )

echo '<p>' . $text . '</p>';

Note: if you don’t trust your translations, you should use esc_html() on $text instead of the user meta. As mentioned in the comments, using KSES functions is a bit overkill. If you want to get rid of any HTML tags (vs. just escaping them) I’d use wp_strip_all_tags().