Display WordPress Post Content in 3 Columns

Query the posts like you are known to it, but then get all posts and restructure them for the order you need it. Take care of setting up the global $post variable your own so that to ensure you template code still works.

The array_chunk­Docs function normally comes in handy for column based output:

$query = WP_Query($queryParameters);
if ($query->have_posts())
    $columnCount = 3;
    $rows = array_chunk($query->get_posts(), $columnCount);
    foreach (range(0, $columnCount - 1) as $column)
        printf("<div class=\"class-%dcolumn\">\n", $column + 1);
        foreach ($rows as $row)
            if (false == isset($row[$column]))
            $post = $row[$column];
   ... single post template html/php mixture ...

Some additional notes:

  • CSS class names can not start with a number. Please see the CSS specification and/or What characters are valid in CSS class names? – I prefixed those with class-....
  • You might not need this exact source-order. If not, you can just output one post after the other and take care of column display with CSS only. That normally lightens up the template code a lot.
