Trying to display text in a block in a plugin page

EDIT 2: I come up with this kind of dirty solution, which is a function creating temporary array. It will contains the segment of the string you want to add line breaks to. Then we set it back as a string using implode.

function breakLines($str,$line_length=30,$implodechar="<br>")
    $str_length = strlen($str); 
    $tmp = array();//temporary array
    for ($j=0; $j<$str_length; $j++) 
        //if we are at the end of line and
        //that the current char is a space or punctuation char
        if($i>=$line_length && preg_match('/[\s\,\;\.\:]/isu', $str[$j]))
            //we update the offset              
            //we reset our counter

    return implode($implodechar,array_filter($tmp));

so you can use it simply like :

echo "Lyrics: ".breakLines($this->get_lyrics($artist, $song))."</div>";

Hope it helps 🙂

EDIT: oooops, sorry I understood the contrary of what you are trying to achieve.

How about using the preg_replace function with a pattern looking for line breaks ?

echo "Lyrics: ".preg_replace('/(\R+)?/isu', '',$this->get_lyrics($artist, $song))."</div>";

I added the lower “u” modifier for handling encoding.

You can test it here :