Note to self, rest-up and re-read the docs.
So it turns out that the answer is written in the docs, but rather obscurely. If you check out the Frontend Enqueueing section of the Block Editor Handbook, you’ll see this statement.
Frontend Enqueueing #Frontend Enqueueing
Starting in the WordPress 5.8 release, it is possible to instruct WordPress to enqueue scripts and styles for a block type only when rendered on the frontend. It applies to the following asset fields in the block.json file:
- script
- viewScript (when the block defines render_callback during registration in PHP, then the block author is responsible for enqueuing the script)😅
- style
As it turns out I have defined a render_callback
so I do need to manually enqueue my view.js
You know when you’re just that tired you get tunnel vision. Yeah, this was one of those times. Anyway, thanks for reading. Figured I’d answer for anyone else that came along with a similar issue. 👌👍