This is more a PHP question from what I can gather, but hopefully this will help or at least get you on your way. I am making a few assumptions here, like you already have FontAwesome called and working in your site for example.
I am also not sure why you have 2x get_post_meta();
functions in a conditional statement with the same output for each condition – doesn’t make sense to me but I have included it the way you have it in the sample code below in any case.
You can try this, I have added comments so you can understand the logic:
global $wp_query;
$postid = $wp_query->post->ID;
if( get_post_meta($postid, 'RankVideo', true)) {
$metabox_value = get_post_meta($postid, 'RankVideo', true);
// Evaluates the string and converts it to integar or float value
if ( strpos( $metabox_value, '.' ) === false ) {
$ranking = (int)$metabox_value;
} else {
$ranking = (float)$metabox_value;
if( is_float( $ranking ) ) { // Check to see if whole number or decimal
$rounded_ranking = round($ranking); // If decimal round it down to a whole number
echo '<div class="bar_mortice rounded">';
// For Loop so we can run the stars as many times as is set, with offset of 2 to because we adding half star statically adter our For loop
for ($counter=2; $counter <= $rounded_ranking; $counter++){
echo '<i class="fa fa-star"></i>';
echo '<i class="fa fa-star-half-o"></i><div>'; // Static half star used as the ranking value is a decimal and the is_float condition is met.
else {
echo '<div class="bar_mortice rounded">';
// For Loop so we can run the stars as many times as is set, no offset need, as no half star required for whole number rankings
for ($counter=1; $counter <= $ranking; $counter++){
echo '<i class="fa fa-star"></i>';
elseif( get_post_meta($postid, 'ecpt_rankvideo', true)) {
$metabox_value = get_post_meta($postid, 'ecpt_rankvideo', true);
// Evaluates the string and converts it to integar or float value
if ( strpos( $metabox_value, '.' ) === false ) {
$ranking = (int)$metabox_value;
} else {
$ranking = (float)$metabox_value;
if( is_float( $ranking ) ) {
$rounded_ranking = round($ranking);
echo '<div class="bar_mortice rounded">';
for ($counter=2; $counter <= $rounded_ranking; $counter++){
echo '<i class="fa fa-star"></i>';
echo '<i class="fa fa-star-half-o"></i><div>';
else {
echo '<div class="bar_mortice rounded">';
for ($counter=1; $counter <= $ranking; $counter++){
echo '<i class="fa fa-star"></i>';