Custom Sidebar in Editor (not Widget) for Custom Post Type in Genesis

For anyone with the same problem, here’s the answer. I finally figured it out.

// Display Profile Sidebar ACF
add_action('genesis_sidebar', 'employee_title');

function profile_photo() {
if ( is_singular('profile') && genesis_get_custom_field('employee_title') )
echo '<div id="employee-title"> '. genesis_get_custom_field('employee_title') .'</div>';

This is the the hook location in Genesis where the custom field data needs to output to: genesis_sidebar. Using that puts it in the sidebar. I was using genesis_entry_header which was putting it at the top of the post. I’m putting it in single-profile.php which I created as a template for the custom post type, but you could probably also add it functions.php. Just beware taht you need to replace is_singular('profile') if you are not using a custom post type. Even if you are, replace profile with the name of your custom post type.

As a bonus, there’s a div around it for styling.