Error Message from W3 Total Cache when .htaccess Rules Cannot Be Modified? [closed]

From my experience with W3 Total Cache this error is triggered when the plugin cannot write to the .htaccess file. It also suggests chmod 777 to the file and has a button that says “try-again” that you can click after changing the permissions to .htaccess.

I would suggest chmod 777 to .htaccess, click try again, then change the permissions back afterwards. If this is not possible then you will need to paste the code into the file above the WordPress rewrite rules making sure not to replace them.

The plugin has a set of rules for each caching method that need to be added to various .htaccess files. To find the rules needed for each file go to performance – install:

The code you posted above is missing the mime type rules that should be in the browser cache .htaccess.

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