Error while importing database

When exporting from original database you should choose to create the tables if they dosn’t exist (First error). If you didn’t choose that option (in phpMyAdmin that option exists, not sure in other database tools), the import file can not create the tables for your and you need to create then prior to start importing it.

For second and third error, you should upgrade your database version to MySQL 5.5.3 or later. Although WordPress can run on MySQL 5.0+, the recommended MySQL version is 5.6 or greater. The problem is that WordPress updates the database to use utf8mb4 if database version is 5.5.3 or later, so probably the source database version was greater than 5.5.3 and the destination database version is lesser than 5.5.3.

If you can not upgrade the destination databser version, edit the import file to change the collation utf8_general_ci and character set to utf8.

Lood for lines similar to:

SET character_set_client  = utf8mb4 ;
SET character_set_results = utf8mb4 ;
SET collation_connection  = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;

and change them.