Interesting question.
Investigating it, I’ve found a [wp-hackers] thread by the same Dion Hulse which gives a bit more of information.
First, a testing page with a simple link which will open another admin page in a thickbox.
add_action('admin_menu', 'wpse_71437_admin_submenu');
function wpse_71437_admin_submenu()
'<span style="color:#e57300;">Thickbox</span>',
'', // no icon
1 // create before Dashboard menu item
function wpse_71437_submenu_page()
<div id="icon-upload" class="icon32"></div><h2>Thickbox</h2>
<a href="#" id="open-tb">Click Here</a>
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery("#open-tb").click(function() {
tb_show("", "index.php?page=video_page_hidden&TB_iframe=true");
return false;
Now, the page that will be opened in the thickbox. It’s parent is defined as null
, so it doesn’t show up in the menu. And the callback is an empty function, if accessed directly nothing appears.
* Add a hidden and empty submenu page
add_action('admin_menu', 'wpse_71437_admin_menu');
function wpse_71437_admin_menu()
null, // doesn't show up in the menu, attached to "index.php" (not sure why)
function wpse_71437_menu_options() { /* Print nothing */ }
And finally, the trick!
Intercept the hidden page load and print some iframe
* Intercept our hidden/empty page and print the Thickbox content
add_action( 'load-dashboard_page_video_page_hidden', 'wpse_71437_intercept_thickbox' );
function wpse_71437_intercept_thickbox()
echo '<iframe width="100%" height="380px" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>';
exit; //Die to prevent the page continueing loading and adding the admin menu's etc.