Firing schema via code in functions.php doesn’t work

The more cleaner way of adding the custom data to your site’s <head> is to use a custom function, which you hook to a relevant action. In this case you could for example utilize the wp_head action. Like so,

// this goes to functions.php file
add_action('wp_head', 'insert_my_page_schema');
function insert_my_page_schema() {
  // only execute the code if on a single page
  if ( ! is_page() ) { // modify condition as needed
  // do we have any saved schema meta
  $schema = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'schema', true);
  if ( ! $schema ) {
  // add schema markup to the page head
  echo esc_html($schema); // escape output to prevent any unintended html injections
  // or if needed, format_my_page_schema($schema);
// optional helper function for formatting the schema output
function format_my_page_schema($schema) {
  // format the schema, if needed
  return $schema;

Also, is it a problem that I have different schemas on each page, but
each custom field is named ‘schema’?

Each page can have its own schema meta data saved with the schema meta key. There’s a problem, if you have multiple custom fields for a page with each of them having the same meta key, i.e. every schema input has name="schema". But if the field names are in array format, name="schema[]", and you’re saving the data as an array, then there shouldn’t be a problem. If the data is saved as an array, then you need to modify the output function to handle the array accordingly.