ACF Date fileds to Age Convert [closed]

$birthday_ts = strtotime( get_field('dob') );
$now         = current_time( 'timestamp' );
$years       = intval( ( $now - $birthday_ts ) / YEAR_IN_SECONDS );
$months      = intval( ( $now - $birthday_ts ) / MONTH_IN_SECONDS );
$weeks       = intval( ( $now - $birthday_ts ) / WEEK_IN_SECONDS );
$days        = intval( ( $now - $birthday_ts ) / DAY_IN_SECONDS );
$hours       = intval( ( $now - $birthday_ts ) / HOUR_IN_SECONDS );
$minutes     = intval( ( $now - $birthday_ts ) / MINUTE_IN_SECONDS );
$seconds     = intval( ( $now - $birthday_ts ) );

echo $years . ' years | ' . $months . ' months | ' . $weeks . ' weeks | ' . $days . ' days | ' . $hours . ' hours | ' . $minutes . ' minutes | ' . $seconds . ' seconds' ;

I just tried it with my own birth date, 16-08-1978 and got this result:

39 years | 481 months | 2061 weeks | 14433 days | 346394 hours | 20783654 minutes | 1247019262 seconds