Get attributes of nested shortcodes

Since nobody posted a complete answer, I used the method s_ha_dum described and written a function that returns a shortcode => attributes array/map.

function attribute_map($str, $att = null) {
    $res = array();
    $reg = get_shortcode_regex();
    preg_match_all('~'.$reg.'~',$str, $matches);
    foreach($matches[2] as $key => $name) {
        $parsed = shortcode_parse_atts($matches[3][$key]);
        $parsed = is_array($parsed) ? $parsed : array();

        if(array_key_exists($name, $res)) {
            $arr = array();
            if(is_array($res[$name])) {
                $arr = $res[$name];
            } else {
                $arr[] = $res[$name];

            $arr[] = array_key_exists($att, $parsed) ? $parsed[$att] : $parsed;
            $res[$name] = $arr;

        } else {
            $res[$name][] = array_key_exists($att, $parsed) ? $parsed[$att] : $parsed;

    return $res;

Example usage:

Content of the page:

    [inner_code url="#" title="Hello"]

Shortcode implementations:

add_shortcode('outer_shortcode',function($atts,$content) {
    return attribute_map($content);

add_shortcode('inner_shortcode',function($atts,$content) {
    return '';

This will render to:

    [inner_shortcode] => Array
            [url] => #
            Get attributes of nested shortcodes => Hello


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