Group Posts by First Letter of Title categories

I would use WP_Query for this, as I am more comfortable with it.

There are two solutions to this that occur to me. If you’re not heartset on the categories, then WP_Query has good support for date parameters, to include a year parameter. A query by year would look something like this:

$wpse176213_query = new WP_Query( array(
    'nopaging'  => true,            // return all posts
    'year'      => $your_year_var   // Must by 4 digit
) );

If you’re heartset on using your categories, WP_Query also supports that. That would look something like this:

$wpse166213_query = new WP_Query( array(
    'nopaging'  => true,            // return all posts
    'tax_query' => array(
        'taxonomy'  => 'category',
        'field'     => 'slug',
        // Whatever the slug for the year category is
        'terms'     => $your_year_slug
) );

Note that, if you like, you can do a simpler query without using tax_query, but I tend to favor tax_query as it allows you to extend the code with less additional effort, if you ever run into that. Also note that these queries are not complete, I strongly recommend you read through the (long) list of available parameters and make sure you set them up correctly. See the codex entry for WP_Query.