how avoid the link of the current post in the menu in the sidebar?

you can try this code. the first filter is to customise the widget arguments and the second filter is in the menu generation.

add_filter("widget_nav_menu_args", function ($nav_menu_args, $nav_menu, $args, $widget_instance) {

    $post = get_queried_object();

    if (is_a($post, "WP_Post")) {
        $nav_menu_args["remove_post_in_widget"] = $post->ID;

    return $nav_menu_args;

}, 10, 4);

add_filter("wp_nav_menu_objects", function ($sorted_menu_items, $args) {

    if (isset($args->remove_post_in_widget)) {

        foreach ($sorted_menu_items as $index => $item) {

            if ((int) $item->object_id === $args->remove_post_in_widget) {
                break; // stop the loop when the first post is found



    return $sorted_menu_items;

}, 10, 2);