If you edit plugin files and cause the plugin to trigger an error, it will deactivate the plugin. It doesn’t do any sort of caching of plugin files, not sure where you’re getting that info.
To reactivate the plugin, you just have to go back to the plugins page and reactivate the plugin. Of course, if you don’t fix the error you created, it’s not going to successfully reactivate the plugin. The other option is to replace the plugin files with the original versions, then activate the plugin.
As far as files being marked inactive is concerned, the only plugin file where that info is meaningful is the main plugin file. Any other files within the plugin will always say inactive, whether the plugin they belong to is activated or not. There’s an old Trac ticket about this, it’s a known issue that may one day be fixed.
The lesson here- never use the editor. It causes more problems than it solves.
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