dashboard_activity hook

Using the dashboard_recent_posts_query_args filter, you can add your custom post types to the query args, and they’ll be included (untested): add_filter( ‘dashboard_recent_posts_query_args’, static function ( $args ) { if ( ! is_array( $args[‘post_type’] ) ) { $args[‘post_type’] = array( $args[‘post_type’] ); } $args[‘post_type’][] = ‘cpt’; return $args; } );

Error while add Category or Tag in WordPress

Rename the “plugins” folder in “wp-content” and create a new empty “plugins” folder. Test if the error persists. Temporarily revert any custom code or modifications in your theme. Add a higher memory limit to “wp-config.php.” Use the “WP-Optimize” plugin to optimize and repair the database. Check for error messages by enabling WordPress debugging in “wp-config.php.” … Read more

WP dashboard messed up

I suspect that if you enable the Network tab in your browser Diagnostics screen (usually F9, but right-click and select ‘inspect’). you will see that a CSS file is not getting loaded for some reason. This is probably a theme issue of not properly loading the CSS. Could also be a caching issue; perhaps the … Read more
