How do I hide the UI for specific Gutenberg Blocks?

Found a JavaScript solution. If I remember correctly there was some talk about temporary solution this or related Github issues so keep that in mind. But I guess this means only server side so for only UI hiding I guess this will be fine.

const wp = window.wp; // when using webpack 'core/edit-post' ).hideBlockTypes( [
] );

Also found some wrong PHP code that I fixed but its still not working correctly as the array does not contain all blocks.

add_filter( 'allowed_block_types', __NAMESPACE__ .  '\remove_core_video_blocks' );

function remove_core_video_blocks( $allowed_blocks ) {

    $guten_blocks = \WP_Block_Type_Registry::get_instance()->get_all_registered();

    foreach ( $guten_blocks as $key => $value) {
        $registered_blocks[] = $key;

    $allowed_blocks = array_diff(
        $registered_blocks, // NOTE registered blocks does NOT contains all blocks
        array( 'wp-embed/youtube' )

    return $allowed_blocks;