How to display additional info in the plugins admin table?

The table of plugins on the plugins admin screen uses WP_Plugins_List_Table which extends the WP_List_Table class. And there are hooks which you can use to modify the table columns, content, etc. Here are some of the hooks, which are relevant in your case:

Working Example


enter image description here

The Code

Note: The screen ID of the plugins admin screen (wp-admin/plugins.php) is plugins.

// Add the "Main File" column.
add_filter( 'manage_plugins_columns', 'my_add_main_file_column' );
function my_add_main_file_column( $columns ) {
    $columns['main_file'] = 'Main File';
    return $columns;

// Display the content for the "Main File" column.
add_action( 'manage_plugins_custom_column', 'my_the_main_file_column', 10, 2 );
function my_the_main_file_column( $column_name, $plugin_file ) {
    if ( 'main_file' === $column_name ) {
        echo $plugin_file;

// Add custom content in the "Description" column.
add_filter( 'plugin_row_meta', 'my_add_custom_plugin_meta' );
function my_add_custom_plugin_meta( $plugin_meta ) {
    $plugin_meta[] = 'Custom data here';
    return $plugin_meta;