So your checkbox code works fine. But the problem is.. the meta key.
If you do var_dump( $meta['vmo_code_radio_value'] );
, you’d get a NULL
because the meta key contains a newline and it will be saved as is:
update_post_meta( $post->ID, 'vmo_code_radio_value
', 'enable' );
But if you do:
var_dump( $meta['vmo_code_radio_value
'] ); // note the newline
Then you’d see the proper value: enable
So the fix is simple: remove the newline. I.e.
update_post_meta( $post->ID, 'vmo_code_radio_value', 'enable' );
And by the way, to retrieve a single value of a metadata, you could use get_post_meta(
like so in your case:
<post ID>, 'key', true )
$vmo_code_radio_value = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'vmo_code_radio_value', true );
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