How to load translation in JavaScript?

I was having the same problem and this is how I solved it:

First, the generated JSON file has some errors. You need to update where it says messages with your text domain. There are three places where that needs to be changed. I also had to change the lang attribute to be all lowercase with a dash. Here are the fields I changed:

  "domain": "my-text-domain",
  "locale_data": {
    "my-text-domain": { // Instead of "messages"
      "": {
        "domain": "my-text-domain",
        "lang": "es-es"

Second, the file name with the md5 hash tends to have the wrong md5 hash, so it’s best to rename the file to {domain}-{locale}-{script-name}.json, so mine became my-text-domain-es_ES-my-script-name.js.

Third, the wp_set_script_translations function needs to be called with the right path, and attached to the right hook. This is what I had to do, since I was localizing an admin-side script:

function enqueue_scripts() {
    wp_set_script_translations( 'script-name', 'my-text-domain', plugin_dir_path( dirname(__FILE__) ) . 'languages' );
add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_scripts' );

Try echoing out the value of plugin_dir_path( dirname(__FILE__) ) . 'languages' to make sure you’re getting the path where your translation files are.

Once I sorted out all of these little details, my translations started working, so I hope this helps someone else!