How to make media URLs Unique

You could certainly change the upload folder structure using an upload_dir filter hook, but I think a more direct solution might be to append some other text to the end of the file name. I think an easy unique string could just be the current timestamp, and encoding it in hexadecimal would make it a little more compact.

I’m not too familiar with WordPress’s media APIs, but it looks to me that the wp_handle_upload_prefilter and/or wp_handle_sideload_prefilter filter (depending on how you are performing the upload) would be reasonable place to implement this functionality:

function wpse408625_media_upload_append_ts( $file ) {
  $ext      = substr( $file['name'], strrpos( $file['name'], '.' ) );
  $filename = substr( $file['name'], 0, strlen( $file['name'] ) - strlen( $ext ) );

  $file[ 'name' ] = $filename . '-' . dechex( time() ) . $ext;

  return $file;

add_filter( 'wp_handle_upload_prefilter', 'wpse408625_media_upload_append_ts' );
add_filter( 'wp_handle_sideload_prefilter', 'wpse408625_media_upload_append_ts' );

The above should transform a filename such as pic.jpeg into one like pic-62faeadd.jpeg. As long as you don’t manage to upload an image, delete it, then upload another with the same filename all within the span of one second, this should prevent future collisions!