How to migrate .HTML pages to WordPress

For posts there even is an easy way to change this in the backend:

Settings → Permalinks

Permalink Settings
Codex: Permalink Settings

The problem is that for pages this isn’t a built in feature. Here is another question that might give you a hint:
Add .html (dot HTML) extension to custom post types

The reasons why I proposed using redirects instead of changing the permalink structure are:

  • You stay within defaults in WordPress which avoids unwanted side-effects and always makes it easier later on.
  • Non-html URLs are more common nowadays (and more beautiful if you ask me, but this of course is a matter of taste)

In case you decide to go the redirect route you can add this to your .htaccess file:

RewriteRule (.+)\.html$ /$1/ [L,R]

Source: htaccess redirect all html files