How to quickly/easily make an analysis (reverse engineering) of WordPress?

The best way to understand wordpress is to work with it and then use the WordPress CODEX to understand core functions.

That said there are a few tools that many WordPress Developers use:

  1. A code editor with search and find functionality that will traverse all the files in your installation. I use Coda. Almost any good IDE will provide this.
  2. Plugins that provide further information: Developer , Debug Bar , Debug Bar Extender , There are many more, but I use these on every project.
  3. URL routing is accomplished through URL variables or Permalinks, most devs use Permalinks. The Template Hierarchy page will help you understand which template files are chosen and why.
  4. WordPress is not architected in the strict MVC pattern. That said many of the Classes and Functions do follow the MVC pattern. The template hierarchy is equivalent to Views, but not very strictly followed. More on that here.
  5. The Database structure can be found here.

Final Notes: You’ve asked some questions above that have no answers because WordPress is not a strict MVC patterned architecture. I use the Debug Bar and Debug Bar Extender to trace variables and know what template file is producing what browser output. it is an addon to the WordPress Admin Bar, which provides a quick way to get to the backend from any front end section. I encourage you to turn that on for your user profile on the front end so you can quickly flip back and forth between the front and back.

hope that helps!