What you need is in global $wp_meta_boxes
indexed by get_current_screen()->id
. Removing the screen options will also remove the metaboxes which you can do just before screen options are displayed using the 'in_admin_header'
So let’s assume you want to get rid of the “Send Trackbacks” screen option which you see in this screenshot:
Drop the following class into your theme’s functions.php
file or in a plugin you might be building and the code will remove the “Send Trackbacks” screen option (and it’s associated metabox, which is also what you wanted, right?):
class Michael_Ecklunds_Admin_Customizer {
function __construct() {
add_action( 'in_admin_header', array( $this, 'in_admin_header' ) );
function in_admin_header() {
global $wp_meta_boxes;
unset( $wp_meta_boxes[get_current_screen()->id]['normal']['core']['trackbacksdiv'] );
new Michael_Ecklunds_Admin_Customizer();
And here’s what it looks like after added the above code to a WordPress 3.4 site:
Using the Zend debugger within PhpStorm here is the inspection of $wp_meta_boxes[get_current_screen()->id]
so you can see what values a default installation of WordPress 3.4 has in the Post edit screen (I’ve circled the array indexes I referenced in my example, i.e. $wp_meta_boxes[get_current_screen()->id]['normal']['core']['trackbacksdiv']
Hopefully this is what you were looking for?