These POST
variables: $_POST['user_email']
, $_POST['user_role']
, and $_POST['status']
(which each is an array
) are connected to each other by their index, hence you can loop through just one of them and use the same index (or iterator) to access the items in the other arrays.
This should help you understand it:
for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $member_details->user_email ); $i++ ) {
$user_email = $member_details->user_email[ $i ];
$user_role = $member_details->user_role[ $i ];
$status = $member_details->status[ $i ];
So this part/code:
if ( isset( $_POST['project_prev'] ) ) {
$user_emails = $member_details->user_email;
$user_statuses = $member_details->status;
I coded it like this:
(Note that I re-indented it for clarity.)
if ( isset( $_POST['project_prev'] ) ) {
// Starts with the first user (index 1).
for ( $i = 1; $i < count( $member_details->user_email ); $i++ ) {
$user_status = $member_details->status[ $i ];
if ( $user_status === 'Unverified' ) {
$to = $member_details->user_email[ $i ];
$project_title="??"; // This wasn't defined anywhere in the file/code.
$subject = "Congrats! You are added to the Project - " . "'" . $project_title . "'";
$message="If you are not the member of project plz contact us to remove at [email protected]";
wp_mail( $to, $subject, $message );