How to troubleshoot a custom Gutenberg block error: “This block has encountered an error and cannot be previewed”

Add this additional variable to your wp-config file:

define ( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG', true); 

Also, inline styling directly in react is declared differently is similar but different in many ways than pure, vanilla CSS.

For example, <ul class="home-slider content-slider lightSlider lSFade" style="height: 0px; padding-bottom: 71.9931%;">

is written in react as:

<ul className={ 'home-slider content-slider lightSlider lSFade'} style={{ paddingBottom: '71.9931%', height: 0}}> {'your content'} </ul>
(my react code may not be exactly correct!)

As the above link notes, I would recommend to style your css in a separate file (which is already created for you in wp-scripts) instead of directly within react.