How to use isSavingNonPostEntityChanges in the same scope correctly?

This seems to be the no-shadow rule. The problem is that it doesn’t like that you have defined two variables with the same name: isSavingNonPostEntityChanges (see code comments below).

const { isSaving, isSavingNonPostEntityChanges } = useSelect((select) => { // <-- here
    const { isSavingPost, isSavingNonPostEntityChanges } = select(editorStore); // <-- and here
    return {
        isSaving: isSavingPost(),
        isSavingNonPostEntityChanges: isSavingNonPostEntityChanges(),

There’s nothing technically wrong with using the same name in different scopes like this. There’s no actual conflict and your code will work just fine. This rule is just discouraging it because:

This can cause confusion while reading the code and it’s impossible to access the global variable.

A solution would be giving the properties you’re returning a unique name:

const { uniqueName, anotherUniqueName } = useSelect((select) => {
    const { isSavingPost, isSavingNonPostEntityChanges } = select(editorStore);
    return {
        uniqueName: isSavingPost(),
        anotherUniqueName: isSavingNonPostEntityChanges(),