How to use the new WordPress 4.4 JSON API?

The WP REST API is being developed for WordPress as a Feature Plugin.

A Feature Plugin is:

… the way for features to be developed for inclusion in WordPress core.
This model allows a feature to be built, tested, refined, and polished
before it is considered as a merge candidate


Therefore, the WP REST API is the new WordPress built-in API and the documentation for the WP REST API plugin is also the documentation for the built-in WP API. However, not all features from the plugin have been merged into core WordPress yet.

For WordPress 4.4, the best documentation of how to use what is currently built-in into WordPress is documented in this post on the Make WordPress blog:

REST API: Welcome the Infrastructure to Core

However, because the merge into WordPress core will be an on-going, phased process, the best way to keep up with changes per release is to track these sources:

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