How to vertically align an image inside a div

The only (and the best cross-browser) way as I know is to use an inline-block helper with height: 100% and vertical-align: middle on both elements.

So there is a solution:

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Or, if you don’t want to have an extra element in modern browsers and don’t mind using Internet Explorer expressions, you can use a pseudo-element and add it to Internet Explorer using a convenient Expression, that runs only once per element, so there won’t be any performance issues:

The solution with :before and expression() for Internet Explorer:

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How it works:

  1. When you have two inline-block elements near each other, you can align each to other’s side, so with vertical-align: middle you’ll get something like this:Two aligned blocks
  2. When you have a block with fixed height (in pxem or another absolute unit), you can set the height of inner blocks in %.
  3. So, adding one inline-block with height: 100% in a block with fixed height would align another inline-block element in it (<img/> in your case) vertically near it.

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