in Foreach Loop the Description is not showing?

Please read about the get_the_permalink and get_the_title. These functions are developed to fetch the details from global $post variable. Your local $post won’t be effective here.

You should either pass local $post to these functions like get_the_permalink($post) and get_the_title($post). For get_the_content, you will need to use apply_filters('the_content',$post->post_content);

However, preferred way is to create an object of WP_Query. Please read about its a powerful class to query everything about posts. In your case, it will look something like this

$args = array('posts_per_page'=>3,

$randomPosts = new WP_Query($args);


    echo '<a href="'.get_the_permalink().'">'.get_the_title().'</a><br>';

    echo substr(strip_tags(get_the_content()),0,100).'...';
    echo "<br>";


I have not tested above code but, I guess, you get the idea.