including Zend Gdata library path error

Please see at the bottom for right solution!!!

One way to solve this problem is that you use ini_set to set the path to your Zend folder.

I have the Zend folder in my current theme folder so i only need to tell path var what the path to my theme folder is. This code goes to functions.php if its in the theme you want to use it of course 🙂

ini_set ( 'include_path', ini_get ( 'include_path' ) . ':../:' . dirname ( __FILE__ ) . ':' );

require_once 'Zend/Loader.php';

Zend_Loader::loadClass ( 'Zend_Gdata_YouTube' );
Zend_Loader::loadClass ( 'Zend_Gdata_AuthSub' );
Zend_Loader::loadClass ( 'Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin' );

I will also share a screenshot just in case the structure is confusing anyone:
As you see i have lifted Zend folder out from the ZendGdata-1.11.11 folder

enter image description here

Hope this helps 🙂


Apparently i messed up a bit, the Zend folder im my case is actually in the ROOT. That mean if i enter i should be able to access php files there. So, simplifying that all, Zend/ folder should not be in:

But it should be in