probably it’s a bit too late, but it might either help you or others:
I just had a similar problem and while looking for the solution I found your question. By now I found a solution for me and it might help you as well.
Similar setup to yours, acf_form was loaded, but the location field did not load (only the container). The file acf-input.min.js was initialized on page load, so before the Ajax call completed.
I was struggling to understand where, and on which element to place
acf.do_action('append', $('#popup-id'));
I ended up using the do_action on the class of the form tag as so:
acf.do_action('append', $('.acf-form'));
This is the snippet of code I’m using:
// Add HTML for custom spinner
var spinner = spinner_html();
url : vmm_multistep_listing.ajaxurl,
beforeSend : function(){
// Add Spinner before response received
type : 'post',
data : {
action : 'multistep_check', // PHP function to call
nonce_ajax : vmm_multistep_listing.ajax_nonce // Nonce Validation
success : function(multistepForm) {
// Output Response (ACF Form)
// This did the trick
acf.do_action('append', $('.acf-form'));
I’m also using acf_enqueue_uploader(); in the main php file just above get_footer();
Let me know if anything is unclear.