Installation of MySQL for Visual Studio 1.2.8 failed

Today I’ve encountered a similar error. In my case I couldn’t uninstall mysql-visualstudio-plugin-1.1.1.msi. Also had MySQL Connector Net 6.7.4 + 6.8.3 installed before (and more stuff which give and gave me many errors to solve manually).

Before doing machine.config replacement as described below, first make a backup or rename them, of course.

Modified versions of the machine.config seemed the culprit. I replaced the relevant machine.config file contents (configs are under %windir%\Microsoft.NET\framework\config\{v2.0x and v4.0x folders} and %windir\Microsoft.NET\framework64\config{v2.0x and v4.0x folders}) by the content of the file machine.config.default in the respectively same folder.

After this, complete uninstallation of older installations related to mysql became finally possible. In the past, older versions did wrong patching on the machine.configs. It took me this all day to find out uninstall was having trouble on this very strange thing. If this does not help you right away, try uninstalling before install the new mysql related files (like mysql server, mysql .net connector…).

Common msi package (un)install debugging -howto-

To determine which install or uninstallation does have hidden errors, use msiexec on commandline (run it as administrator!) like this:

  • When uninstalling an msi package use: msiexec /x "<full-path-and-file-of>.msi" /lvx* C:\thelogfile.txt
  • When installing an msi package use: msiexec /i "<path-and-file-of>.msi" /lvx* C:\the-log-file.txt

…and read the-log-file.txt under C:\ after the msi (un)installation window is closed.

Another hint: if you are using the MySQL Installer for Windows, you can find the available msi packages at "C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL\MySQL Installer for Windows\Product Cache".

Back to installing the connector issue you and I are experiencing

While typing this, I still need to get the .net connector 8.0.16 installed. I’m reading my nice the-log-file.txt like mentioned before again, and see it failing on adding membership provider (probably in the machine.config again, as it did this before in earlier versions as well). I will come back later to add a possible solution on this new error.

Updated answer / edit:

The earlier MySQL installations left some old registry keys in place… I got this idea from the answer by @Developer. I followed his answer, and now installing MySQL installer for Windows v8.0.16.0 is successful, finally.

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