Is it feasible to call angular’s page from wordpress website?

I figured it out after searching for so many hours.

  1. In your functions.php file add the java-scripts file which you have got after ng build.
  2. Before doing ng build , in your angular.json file set "outputhasing": "none"
  3. After building , inside the dist folder in the index.html file change the <base href=""> to <base href="">
  4. Now copy the dist folder into the particular location on server. I am using Apache 2.4.0
  5. Now in alias.conf file inside /etc/apache2/mods-available/ folder add the Alias as follows: Alias pathNameOnURL "pathOfDirectory" example: Alias /icons “/var/www/websitePages/”
  6. restart the apache server , and try to access this path you’ll get your page running.

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