Building a Featured Gallery component for Gutenberg

In your GalleryImage

const { withSelect } =;
const { compose } = wp.compose;

// You should define __
const { __ } = wp.i18n;

In your FeaturedGallery

  • You need to return the element, and set a key for the element (which is a list item): ( I also removed the index because it’s not being used.. if we define a variable, it should be used. 🙂 )

    And because an element should be returned, then you should use map() because forEach() doesn’t return anything and only applies a function to each element in the array.

    { ( img ) => {
        return (
            <li key={ img }>
                    id={ img }
    } ) }

    Alternate/simpler version — this is basically same as above, but you’d use the above if you want to perform some logic before the return line:

    { ( img ) => (
        <li key={ img }>
                id={ img }
    ) ) }
  • Then (not a major issue, but) in the applyWithDispatch(), you should use the dot notation ( and not the array notation (item['id']).

    const items = ( item ) => );    // like this
    const items = ( item ) => item['id'] ); // not this