One of the hard requirements of WordPress theme is presence of style.css
file with a header.
It doesn’t go beyond file being present or even used at all, it can be otherwise empty.
The CSS itself has no requirements on WP side and falls under generic web development.
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- Targeting a Certain Post in Loop (CSS)
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- Can I add generic numbering HTML classes to items as a loop runs?
- something strange is happening to my code
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- Adding first and last classes to three column layout in Bones boilerplate
- Thumbnail Image Rounded Corners w CSS (or any other good method)
- Insert content above an embedded video inside Wordress’ php the_content
- WordPress posts in the loop not stacking side by side
- change the_content images for different sizes (Desktop, tablet, mobile)?
- Add Div IDs dynamically to CSS
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- Problem with ms-thumb-frame-selected class in Master Slider
- Retrieve each widget separately from a sidebar
- how to upload image using wp_handle_upload
- Avoiding using a loop to access a single post
- Adding ‘current_post_item’ class to current post in the loop
- Where should I use post_class()?
- Landing Page – Redirect Loop?
- How to make multiple Column in archive Page?
- Sort Popular Posts by Views for the Last Week
- get_the_foo() in the loop – does it perform another query?
- Exclude filter on front page
- Is it possible to display previous post revision?
- Check if date of post is yesterday
- Fix inefficient loop breaks post.php on form submit
- Adding shortcode closing tag after a loop
- Get Pagination (WP-PageNavi) not to work
- Filtering The Loop For Single Page and Blog Page
- the_content() seems to block my ACF-code
- Pulling current post/page data into header.php
- Removing the_content() from the page
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- Get single post from tags array
- Duplicated posts on category page
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- Apply an Incremental Counter in an Array Function
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- Latest Post Styled Different Than other Posts
- How do I make a variable available inside partials?
- WordPress: Loop Help
- Woocommerce: How to display product price [closed]
- Display Post Author Link above the loop
- Enabling users to control custom loop’s query
- Grid post page on WordPress with Bootstrap, the_excerpt(); Problem
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- Make loop alphabetical
- How to check if a product is purchased within the last 365 days before displaying something
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- First archive page with a few posts
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- Loop through ACF taxonomies and output associated posts
- How to get user ID’s from multiple usernames?
- Trying to add a class to post links
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- Exclude posts based on an array
- Is file_exists() compatible with timthumb.php? [closed]
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- Using is_page_template inside loop
- Set depth of pages to fetch
- Trying to get all links in my posts
- Creating a User-Adjustable chart in WordPress
- Archive: Lists itself
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- Can’t limit posts_per_page in loop
- Reorder posts in a loop: have the posts by one particular author below the others
- How to execute a user loop with shortcode
- how to get author comment inside the loop?
- How to create loop in custom page, and get id from url into this loop?
- How to fix pagination for custom loops?
- Check to see if a field is within an array in twig
- Archive sorted by month – separate
- Display single post inside accordion based on form submission results
- One page loop issue with posts
- Humanmade | Custom meta box class: How to display a repeatable meta box group?
- Can’t print out returned value
- Building theme so user can change header image [closed]
- Get query result before posts are displayed?
- WordPress Group By Problem
- using the loop on a page
- Home page loop with pagination problem
- WooCommerce custom loop pagination on front page
- get_page() unlike Loop returns the post content without html tags. How can I fix this?
- I want the first post on my home page to be lengthier than the rest (example included)
- Loop with Custom Post Type Taxonomies and Interstitial Code
- Question about custom plugin
- Display all posts in a page code for template
- How can you make it so the comment box shows on some pages or posts but not all?
- How do I split a large query with a semi-expensive function included into multiple smaller queries
- Divide loop into several columns based on post custom field and enable infinite scrolling
- Query Loop Block: possible to restrict just child pages?